Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lammas Blog

Blessed Lammas everyone. Our coven is celebrating the sabbat this evening at Lillian Morgan's abode. She's planned a wonderful Native American ritual for us. I'll write a post ritual wrap up tomorrow. So, I started this blog to be a Q & A but it seems there are some issues with posting to my blog. After I finish this blog, I will check that issue out. But I received my first blog question. from K here it is.

What foods and decorations are standards for Lammas and why? K Sage

Lammas is the first of three of the harvest sabbats. It is the time to view the first fruits of your labors, your plantings and goals in your magickal garden and see how your goals are shaping up. There is still time to make adjustments before the height of the harvest at Mabon. It is the time of the sacrificial God, his blood is spilled so that we may reap our bounty and we offer up our first harvest as a sacrifice to him. Appropriate food and decorations associated with Lammas include
breads, grains, potatoes, summer squash, cider, blackberry pies and jellies, berries, apples, roasted lamb as well as corn dollies, sunflowers, grains, a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables.

Blessed Be from the Tree,

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